What a great way to leverage the power you have over holding the floor as the President. If you don’t like how the media reports things you can just blast them to the entire world, just because they don’t agree with you on everything.
Yesterday, May 12th, Obama spoke at Georgetown University and made a few jabs at Fox News, claiming that they are biased towards poor people and make them look like “leeches” that don’t want to work and just want a free ride.
Taken from his discussion:
“I have to say that if you watch Fox News on a regular basis, it is a constant menu. They will find folks who make me mad. I don’t even know where they find them. ‘I don’t want to work, I just want a free Obamaphone or whatever.’”
Well, Obama, these are examples of people that most likely voted for you, whether you like it or not (you like it… they voted for you). You’ve provided services and made promises that cater to their wants and desire to get their “obamaphone” and you know it, so why criticize a news network for “finding” them?
It’s a bit ridiculous to me that it’s okay for a democratic president to point the finger at a conservative skewing news outlet, saying that their media coverage creates problems, while not saying anything about the liberals doing the same thing with making rich people out to be villains and right-wingers to be dumb rednecks. That’s stereotyping entire groups of people, exactly as Obama is criticizing Fox for doing.
Using your presidential power to further your media agenda is completely wrong and if he’s going to call outlets out, he should start with people and media companies that share more of his own political ideals.