Has Obama failed at fulfilling his role as President? Is he the worst president in the history of the U.S.? The answers are YES and YES…here’s why.
1. He has no regard for the Constitution or the laws of the United States
Time and again, Obama has shown that he’s an imperial president who thinks he can make law by executive decree. He’s unilaterally modifying Obamacare to avoid the political consequences for his party in the next election. He’s bypassing Congress and changing and ignoring immigration laws. He raised the minimum wage for federal contractors without the consent of Congress. He has also made unconstitutional recess appointments without Senate approval to put his cronies on the National Labor Relations Board. Read More…
2. Scandal After Scandal After Scandal
From Benghazi to the IRS’s Tea Party targeting, the scandals just keep coming…
Benghazi remains a controversy that won’t go away, despite a House committee’s seeming exoneration of the Obama administration, although certain matters weren’t addressed and further investigations continue.
The administration first tried to blame the murder of three Americans at the Libyan embassy on an anti-Muslim video, but it was soon clear it had been a well-orchestrated terrorist attack. The Obama administration failed to protect the embassy despite pleas from U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens, who died in the attack. Read more in Newsmax’s list of 7 Controversies That Have Marred Obama’s Presidency.
3. Spying on Congress and the American People
It was reported by the New York Times that the CIA secretly monitored the computers of congressional staffers while they worked on a report detailing torture of terrorists post-9/11.
Colorado Democrat Mark Udall wrote a letter to the president that contains a subtle suggestion that Obama was aware of all of this.
Congress is supposed to oversee intelligence agencies, not the other way around. If Obama did know about the CIA spying on Congress, this is a massive breach of separation of powers.
4. Fewer Executive Orders Issues Than Any President in the Past 100 Years
Since 1956, two presidents — both Republican — have employed executive orders to implement immigration reform. In 1981, Ronald Reagan moved to defer the deportation of roughly 100,000 undocumented immigrants. In 1990, George H.W. Bush also used his executive powers to relieve 1.5 million undocumented immigrants of deportation.
In fact, Obama has issued fewer executive orders than every president since 1901. While Democratic presidents have relied on executive orders more frequently than Republicans over the last 100 years, Obama’s average executive orders per year in office fall nearly 3.3 points below George W. Bush, 8.4 below George H.W. Bush and roughly 14.5 points below Ronald Reagan. Read More…