Do you value your personal information and privacy? Are you concerned about the security and safety of your personal records? According to Townhall, you should be!
Based on the recent major hacking of the IRS, the hacking of all government employee data and the fact that there are very few cyber safe guards in place to protect the information placed in MIDAS, it’s highly susceptible to fraud. – Townahll
A government data capturing program called the Multidimensional Insurance Data Analytics System was put into action in 2010 when Obamacare was passed. This program not only captures your personal information, but captures it For-Ev-Er. Based on recent government cyber attacks I think it’s “safe” to say that this information isn’t exactly in “high security,” making your personal information very susceptible to fraud. Recently the IRS released a report revealing that 100,000 households and their personal data had been hacked.
American’s For Tax Reform: The decision to keep the personal information of enrollees forever has raised the ire of experts. Lee Tien, a senior staff attorney for the Electronic Frontier Foundation stated that it is irresponsible of the government to retain data any longer than is necessary. Similarly, Michael Astrue, a former Social Security Commissioner has argued that there is no justification for keeping this data permanently. In addition, he worries that the federal government is illegally expanding MIDAS by adding personal information from state-run Obamacare exchanges without proper privacy consent.
Almost half of state-run exchanges have faced significant construction and financing problems, with Oregon and Hawaii both shutting down this year after costing taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars each. Read More